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Canine Care

Canine Wellness

Have We Seen Your Dog Lately?

At the time of your examination, we will work together to determine the best wellness and vaccination protocol for your pet based on your pet’s lifestyle and history. Bringing your pet in for an annual diagnostic and wellness checkup can help reassure you that your dog or cat is healthy or help us detect hidden diseases or conditions early. Early detection can improve the prognosis of many diseases, keep medical costs down, and help your pet live longer.

Many dogs and cats are good at hiding signs of something wrong, so subtle changes in their health or behavior might be easy to overlook. And depending on the disease, some pets don’t show any symptoms.

Because you spend the most time with your pet, you are your pet’s expert and their greatest advocate. Please let us know if you’ve noticed any physical or behavioral changes in your pet or any other concerns you might have.

What To Expect At A Wellness Visit

Parasite Screenings

  • Fecal screening
  • deworming treatment as needed.

  • Rabies – Required by Law
  • Da2ppv (Distemper, Adenovirus Type 1 (Hepatitis), Adenovirus Type 2 (Respiratory Disease), Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus)
  • Lyme
  • Leptospirosis
  • Canine Influenza (CIV)
  • Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
  • Vaccination Titers if requested

  • Baseline bloodwork
  • Heartworm, flea & tick disease test.

Puppy Care

Most puppies have roundworms, which are intestinal worms that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal signs (although dogs can have worms without showing any symptoms). Puppies need to be treated for roundworms, not only to rid them of the infection but also to prevent you and the rest of your family from becoming infected. Roundworms are zoonotic parasites that can be transmitted from pets to people. Ensuring your puppy is treated correctly can protect your entire family from these and other parasites.

Bring your dog in for a visit with us.  We would love to meet them!